WordPress theme of the week: Vision

This week’s theme of the week is Vision sold at ThemeForest. What’s so different about this theme? Well this is the first one we ran across that has a WYSIYG type home page editor. Instead of posts or an admin panel based forms, it shows you a visual representation of the home page from which you click on areas you want to edit.

While the idea is neat, the execution is not polished as it could be. The lightbox-like dialog boxes lack a “save” button, instead you click on “X” to close the windows and hit “Save Options” to publish the changes. Also the default home page visual preview is a little gaudy (see the screnshot), so if you’re going to give your clients access to it, you’ll need to replace the mockup. We’re going to actually use this theme for a client so we’ll give more feedback on this theme in the next few weeks. Get it: Vision theme