Thoughts on WordPress 3.1

We think WordPress 3.1 is a nice intermediate upgrade with neat new features such as: internal page/post linking (reviewed one post below), sortable columns in post/pages, admin toolbar in the front end, streamlined content editor (some options are now hidden), post formats, new network admin UI for MU, “overhauled” import/export including support for navigation menus, and more!

There’s also new stuff under the hood for post formats, custom content types, and advanced taxonomy queries.

We think initially these concepts and ideas are not going to be understood by a lot of content creators and blog publishers but in the long run it will help power WordPress behind the scenes to become a full-blown CMS.

Scribu has a great explanation in plain English about custom post types and new search capability will affect your WordPress site’s ability to handle and manipulate a lot of content.

WPMods’s Pippin also has a good article explaining on how 3.1’s new multiple taxonomies will help content creators filter content for readers.

Also the WooThemes ninjas are promising something new and exciting tomorrow that will take advantage of custom posts, so stay tuned.

If you want more 3.1 coverage and information, be sure to visit these sites: